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Is your business consumed by daily crises, leaving little room for strategic growth? Are cash flow concerns overshadowing your long-term vision? Is vendor confidence wavering, and the bank's ultimatum looming? If your cash flow can't keep pace with operational demands, it's time to regain control.

Empowering Business Owners: A New Perspective

At Campbell, Saunders Ltd., we understand the burden of overseeing every aspect of your business. However, when market shifts and operational dynamics change, financial strain can set in. Instead of steering your business's course, you find yourself grappling with a dwindling financial situation.

Beyond Bankruptcy: Exploring Alternatives

Amidst financial difficulties and operational stress, businesses have options beyond bankruptcy. Campbell, Saunders Ltd. comprehends the urgency for companies and business owners to explore their choices promptly. Our expertise lies in crafting tailored formal and informal restructuring or turnaround plans, provided action is taken in the early stages. When restructuring isn't feasible, we offer clear insights into available options and their implications for all stakeholders.

Championing Lasting Financial Solutions

The Licensed Insolvency Trustees at Campbell, Saunders Ltd. have guided numerous struggling companies across diverse industries. We've restructured operations, breathing renewed life into businesses that now thrive with long-term success. Our expertise encompasses a wide spectrum of advisory and support services, including formal engagements under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, or other relevant legislation involving Monitors, Receivers, Trustees, or Consultants.

Our Financial Services: Tailored to Your Needs

We offer a range of services and engagement models designed to address your unique circumstances:

  • Instrument-appointed Receiver or Receiver Manager
  • Court-appointed Receiver or Receiver Manager
  • Interim Receiver
  • Trustee in Bankruptcy
  • Monitor under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
  • Monitor under a Division I Proposal (Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act)
  • Evaluating Operations and Planning Cash Flow Strategies
  • Division I Proposal

    If your business is facing challenges but still has a viable future, a corporate Division I proposal is an option to explore. It will grant your business protection from legal action by creditors and a structured plan to pay back your business debts, or a portion of them, and allows time to restructure.

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  • Corporate Bankruptcy

    For a non-viable business, a bankruptcy allows for equitable asset distribution and a more manageable winding up process if various creditors are taking, or threatening to take, legal action to recover amounts owed to them. A business director or owner will also want to assess whether they are personally responsible for any of the business debts.

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  • Business Review

    Do you need a new set of eyes to review your business and operations? A Business Review enables you to gain unbiased, third party advice and suggestions for the future viability of your business.

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  • Informal Proposal

    If you’d like to make a repayment arrangement with your creditors without filing a legal insolvency process like a Proposal or a Bankruptcy, an Informal Proposal may be a good option for certain, less complicated situations.

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  • Receivership

    Creditors can apply to the Court to have a Receiver appointed in respect of a business that owes them money. If you have received a Notice of Intention to Enforce Security, contact us immediately – the period for taking action to prevent more serious issues is usually only ten days.

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Your business's resilience is our priority. Whether you're at a crossroads or facing imminent challenges, our experienced team is ready to guide you towards financial stability and sustainable growth. Schedule a consultation today to unlock a brighter future for your business.